Intensive Bible Training For Youths & Teenagers

Start, Sustain & Maintain Personal Intimate Deep Relationship With God

In these FIVE (5) days of scriptural teaching, students will be deliberately and adequately exposed to the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, for the primary purpose of conforming them wholly to the life of the Master Himself, in all areas of their lives.

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Fill out the form below to register for JDS. Kindly fill in the correct details as inaccurate details or information may lead to rejection of your application by the institute’s administrators.

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Registration is closed for this year. Please check back again next year. God bless you.
Any issues? Please call 07062408095

What is JDS?

JDS is Junior Discipleship School. It is a 5-day Camp Meeting, of in-depth Bible training where youths are trained in the knowledge of scripture with the goal of becoming like Jesus. The institute’s burden is to see more young people come into intimate knowledge of the truth – which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God – right from when they are young, in accordance with Psalm 119:9-11. understand the rudimentaries of Christian growth early, and adapt themselves to walking with and becoming like Jesus in all spheres of their lives.

The goal of the institute is to ensure that all participants become not only versed in gospel truths, but are able to live them out practically in their lives, with the aim that these truths become an unmistakeable, undeniable, and indelible part of them as they grow into adults.

During the period of training, emphasis is made upon the Person of Christ in all the various courses in the institute. This is primarily targeted at letting these young ones recognise the relevance and presence of Christ in all spheres, no matter what they have been designed to become in life. Our end goal is to ensure that they become calvary arrows with which God can destroy the works of the devil in their generation, depopulate the kingdom of hell, and establish God’s kingdom wherever they may find themselves.

This year’s training will last for 5 days, and it will be a camp meeting. The training engages different instructors (from the Reformation Platform Ministry Team) handling different courses for the different categories in the institute. During this period of training, students can expect to be taught God’s Word using the scriptures as the major textbook, and also be engaged with assignments and activities that would help to emphasize and impress the lessons learnt upon their lives.

As this is strictly a spiritual institution where children are trained to become like Jesus in all spheres, no certificates, awards, or rewards of any kind will be issued to students at the end of the training period. We believe that after the much dedicated and concentrated period of training these young ones in the way of the LORD, their changed lives will be the certificate that will be taken away.

What is Jds?

JDS is Junior Discipleship School. It is a two-week long indepth Bible training (where different categories of young peope are trained, e.g. youths, teenagers, and children) . The institute’s burden is to see more young people come into the intimate knowledge of the truth – which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God – right from when they are young, in accordance with Psalm 119:9-11. understand the rudimentaries of Christian growth early, and adapt themselves to walking with and becoming like Jesus in all spheres of their lives.

The goal of the institute is to ensure that all participants, in all the categories listed above, become not only versed in gospel truths, but are able to live them out practically in their lives, with the aim that these truths become an unmistakeable, undeniable, and indelible part of them as they grow into adults.

During the period of training, emphasis is made upon the Person of Christ in all the various courses in the institute. This is primarily targeted at letting these young ones recognise the relevance and presence of Christ in all spheres, no matter what they have been designed to become in life. Our end goal is to ensure that they become calvary arrows with which God can destroy the works of the devil in their generation, depopulate the kingdom of hell, and establish God’s kingdom wherever they may find themselves.

The school opens for training once in a year, with a two-week long period for the training. The training engages different instructors (from the Reformation Platform MInistry Team) handling different courses for the different categories in the institute. During this period of training, students can expect to be taught God’s Word using the scriptures as the major textbook, and also be engaged with assignments and activities that would help to emphasize and impress the lessons learnt upon their lives.

As this is strictly a spiritual institution where children are trained to become like Jesus in all spheres, no certificates, awards, or rewards of any kind will be issued to students at the end of the training period. We believe that after the much dedicated and concentrated period of training these young ones in the way of the LORD, their changed lives will be the certificate that will be taken away.

Cristy is a Qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer.

Who Can Attend JDS?

As earlier stated, Junior Discipleship School is open to youths and teenagers who desire to know the LORD and grow in His ways. The school focuses on training them on starting, developing, and sustaining a personal, intimate, and experiential relationship with God, so they can relate with God for themselves. Thus, any young person who wants this life for his or her life is welcome to be a part of this Junior Discipleship School.

However, admittance into the school during the period of training is still subject to the approval by the school registrars and institute’s authorities. Participants will be interviewed and accepted into the school during the period of training if he or she fits the qualifications demanded by the institute’s authorities.

Under no circumstances is the institute liable to admit students based on referral, merits, or any other acts that may have been engineered by men. Admittance into the school is first placed before the LORD in prayer and selection of students is made based on thorough inspection and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As we want the best of results for all participants of the school, we are most careful, under God’s hands, to ensure that the right students attend for each training period.


What Students Will Learn

Registrants who have been approved to attend the Junior Discipleship School during the training period, can expect to learn, understand, and internalise the following:


This course will show you God's only method for making us become like Jesus Christ.

Sin: What To Know & How To Be Free

In this course, you will learn the hidden power of sin, what Christ did for you, and how you live above sin constantly.

Use & Abuse of Social Media

What does God's Word say about the use and abuse of social media? How can a young person use them and still be holy?

Sex: Why You Must Abstain

What does God's Word say about sex? How can you be free from sexual sin or stay pure as a young person?

Teenagers & Relationships

This course will show you how to build, sustain, and maintain relationships that will help you pursue and attain God's purpose for your life.

Handling Peer Pressure

Discover the secrets to overcoming peer pressure. Study what God's Word says about you - your uniqueness and relevance in His purpose and plans.

Courses in JDS

JDS Courses are divided into three levels



1. What Is Sin & What Are It’s Consequences?
2. The Process Of Salvation 
3. The Benefits of Redemption 
4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
5. The Concept of Discipleship
6. Necessity For A Devotional Time
7. The Meaning & Process of Meditation
8. First Steps In The Christian Faith
a]. Assurance Of Salvation
b]. Forgiveness Of Sin
c]. The Christian’s Purpose In Life
d]. How To Read The Bible
e]. How To Pray
f]. How To Evangelize
g]. Scripture Memorization
h]. The Christian’s Warfare
i]. How To Handle Temptation
j]. The Body Of Christ & You
k]. Baptism & The Lord’s Supper
l]. Your Next Steps—Heb.6:1
8. Suffering As a Christian
9. The Spirit Of Excellence [in marital relationships, ministry & career]




1. Elementary Doctrines
A]. Repentance From Dead Works
B]. Faith Towards God
C]. The Doctrine of Baptisms
D]. Laying On of Hands
E]. Resurrection From The Dead
F]. Eternal Judgements

2. The Purpose Of Salvation: reconciliation with God for the fulfillment of eternal purpose
3. Why Must I be Discipled? [biblical reasons for the need of discipleship]
4. Discipleship—Following Jesus Personally
5. The Necessity Of A Devotional Life
6. The Rights, Privileges & Responsibilities Of A Believer
7. The Basis of Prayer—personal & intimate relationship with God
8. Effective Bible Study For The Young Disciple
9. The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
10. The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
11. The Five-fold Ministry Gifts
12. The Two Sides To The Great Commission
13. Embracing Suffering As A Disciple
14. Understanding Personal & Practical Evangelism
15. Spiritual Disciplines—daily Bible study, daily prayer, daily meditation in the Word, periodical fasting & prayer, developing an unbroken communion with God etc.
16. Walking In Eternal Purpose



1. The Kingdom of God & Eschatology
A]. What is the Kingdom of God?
B]. The Rapture of the Church
C]. The 7-years of Tribulations
D]. The Jugdment Seat Of Christ
E]. The second coming of Christ & the battle of Armageddon
F]. The imprisonment of Satan & the millennial reign of Christ
G]. The Final release & eternal doom of Satan
H]. The white throne Judgement
I] Renovation of Heavens & Earth
J]. The Age Of Ages

2. Beyond Baptism In the Spirit—hearing, walking with & serving God
3. Devotional Life—the mystery of ‘Christ In You’ +
4. How Jesus Defined The Gospel
5. The Authority & the Power of A Believer
6. Strategic Evangelism
7. Qualifications Of A Discipler
8. The Centrality of Christ [in scripture, doctrine, spiritual growth & prophecy]
9. Responding Personally To The Great Commission
10. Effective Bible Study For the Maturing Disciple
11. Biblical Giving & receiving
12. Missions, Missionary Efforts & Missionary Character
13. Prevailing Prayer
14. How to Minister Baptism In The Holy Spirit
15. The Spirit World & Casting Out Demons
16. The Dreadful Cost of Sin

What Students Are Saying

From the BDI 2022, I got an understanding of Purpose. Knowing and walking in purpose had always been a question I had, and so when we had a class on Purpose, I was really happy. I got to understand that fulfilling purpose starts with me having a healthy relationship with God, and from that relationship with Him, He reveals my specific purpose to me.
Motunrayo Obileye
BDI Level One

Register Now

Fill out the form below to register for JDS. Kindly fill in the correct details as inaccurate details or information may lead to rejection of your application by the institute’s administrators.

Dear Applicant,

Please, Fill In All The Answers
Registration is closed for this year. Please check back again next year. God bless you.
Any issues? Please call 07062408095

Contact Us

Have questions, prayer requests, or need more information about JDS? Please, use any of the channels below. God bless you. 

Mojisola Emmanuel

Institute's Registrar
+234 816 554 7356

Busayo Lawrence

Institute's Administrator
+234 706 240 8095

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